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Replit independent Eagler server guide


1: Java 8

2: 1.8.8 server jar found Here

3: Ngrok  installed on your computer

4: **new** EaglerXBungee  (and bungee cord )

Step1: create a folder dedicated to your server and move your jar in there.

Next, copy this code:”java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar server.jar” and paste it into a blank .txt file. Rename the file .txt to .bat and double click to start the server. Also the numbers between the s/x and the G is the amount of ram you allocate to your server, for every 2 players allocate 1 gb or 1G.

Bungee 0_0

Pretty easy to install: create a folder and name it anything ex: Bungee

Make another folder and put both Bungee and your Server folder inside.

Copy ”java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar server.jar” but remove the “server.jar” part and replace it with your Bungee jar file name. And remember to rename it with .bat. Download EaglerXbungee and place it in a plugins folder in your bungee folder. Run your Bungee server and look for [EaglercraftXBungee]: Eaglercraft is listening on:

You will need the 4-5 number string that follows depending which port eagler selects.

Now you have a basic vanilla server running, time to install Ngrok

Step2: Integrating Ngrok

Download Ngrok, run the installer and connect your account, you will be given a “auth token”

Found on their website. Once you see a terminal window, type the following command:     ”ngrock tcp --region us [port number]” and press enter. EDIT: VIAaaS is no longer required meaning replit has been cut out entirely which will help with performance and security. Instead of forwarding your EaglerXBungee port which can be found by running your bungee server ie: ( is short for localhost )

*Example tcp://7.tcp.ngrock.io:12345

Do not include the red portion

Guide By Someone1201 (aka big_biden)